Thursday, January 8, 2009

Cool Cuisine or Sopas

Cool Cuisine: Taking the Bite Out of Global Warning

Author: Laura Stec

Cool Cuisine Taking the Bite Out of Global Warming is a smorgasbord of scientific fact and culinary art where the reader learns new ways to look at the climate crisis. It is a quick, enjoyable, informative read, and is an entry point for readers new to the issues. It inspires personal life changes with in-depth research, easy recipes, ideas for your next book group "read and eat" tasting party, and simple tips on how to cook a global-cooling cuisine. The book presents the full cycle on how our agrochemical food system affects global warming and how global warming affects the food system. The reader embarks on a scientific and culinary exploration that feeds mind and mouth with art, science, food lore, culinary tips, and recipes on how to cook low carbon, high-flavor, high-vibe meals.

See also: The 12 Second Sequence or Parkinsons Disease and the Family


Author: Patricia Quintana

En las sopas se une el sabor profundo de las especias con la esencia de las hierbas de olor y las verduras tiernas. Al calor de la lumbre se combinan los tonos verdes, rojos, amarillos de chiles, chayotes, jitomates, zanahorias y papas. Todo se fusiona en calido encuentro que adquiere formas ligeras o espesas. Patricia Quintana reune en este volumen algunas de las mas exquisitas sopas que se guisan en muchas regiones de Mexico, segun la tradicion de las abuelas, en los fogones de lena, borboteando en ollas y cazuelas de barro.

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